What To Do When Your Friend Cheats On You

Even though a majority of people in the world take their vows of friendship seriously, it’s still easy for someone to betray you and make you feel like garbage. If this happens to you, don’t let betrayal ruin your life. Instead, use these tips to help you get over your friend and move on from the experience.

If your friend has cheated on you, there are a few things you can do to move on and heal. Here are a few ideas:

1. Talk to someone about it

If you’re feeling upset and betrayed after learning that your friend has cheated on you, it’s important to talk to someone about it. Talking to a trusted friend or family member can help you process the pain and figure out what steps you need to take next. Once you’ve had the opportunity to talk things through, make sure to keep communication open with your ex-partner so that you can both move forward.

2. Move away

When your friend cheats on you, the best thing to do is move away. You don’t need them in your life if they’re not going to be honest with you and their relationship. If they can’t be honest with you, it’s time to move on. Don’t stay in a situation where you’re not being treated fairly. It’s important to take care of yourself, and moving away will help you do that.

3. Distance yourself emotionally

If your friend has been cheating on you, it’s important to distance yourself emotionally. This means avoiding them as much as possible and not engaging in any conversations or interactions with them. You also need to be honest with yourself about why this person cheated on you and how you’re going to move on from this situation. If you can, try to find a new friend who won’t hurt your feelings the way this other person did.

4. Work through any feelings of betrayal

If you’re feeling betrayed by a friend who has cheated on you, it’s important to remember that everyone is different and reacts in different ways to betrayal. Some people may feel angry and sad for a while, while others may feel relieved or happy that their suspicions were confirmed. It’s important to work through your feelings, because they will likely change over time. If you find it difficult to process these emotions, talk to someone about how you’re feeling.

5. Don’t overreact

If you have been hurt by your friend cheating on you, there is no need to overreact. Remember that you are not responsible for your friend’s actions, and you should not take the betrayal personally. Keep in mind that cheating is a personal decision, not a reflection on you as a friend. If your relationship with your friend has suffered as a result of the cheating, it may be best to end the friendship altogether.


If your friend has cheated on you, there is not always an easy answer. Depending on the situation and what kind of relationship you have with the person, there might be different ways to handle the betrayal. If you are friends with them outside of the relationship that ended in cheating, it might be difficult to trust them again after they have hurt you this way. However, if you are still close with them even though your relationship ended because of cheating, then it might be best to talk about what happened and try to move on from it.

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